Monday, June 30, 2014


Today I have been listing all the words in categories. These words are going to be used in the game for different levels. I yet have to get more words to put in the game here is a taster of the first level. this is the easiest difficulty.

 1.      NZ animals 1
a.      Sheep
b.      Kiwi
                        c.       Kea 
I also will have to get the pictures to match 

Thursday, June 26, 2014


Today I was looking at my sprites that I have brainstormed and I was only going to use one but then I thought Why not just use all of them. The player then will be able to choose there character. The player would be more satisfied being who they want and I will give each sprite an unique object.     

Tuesday, June 24, 2014


today I found a lot of pictures I will use in my game as the sprites. next time I will think of all the NZ pictures/words for the educational game. 

Monday, June 23, 2014

Game Research

Today i have reseached some educational games i didn't really find any amazing one's but i found a game that put the words in a box if correct and had to fill up the box. I might use this like fill it up but im not to sure yet. 

Thursday, June 19, 2014


 this is a storm that came from my mind  I actually never knew my a storm from the mind would look as good as this. it has a taken alot of time and effort for my brainstorm to look this amazing.
P.S mine looks better than your's. Caleb Campbell. 


wow i can't belive i didnt now how to make a sub task and main task in ganttproject. Why didn't i know this before it made life so much easier.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014


today i have brainstormed a whole bunch of stuff using insperation it is the best (only) brainstorming program I have used.


i jest realised how user frenindly insperation is it has really cool features like so

Monday, June 16, 2014


Today i have finished my GanttProject. I have planned out my schedule to keep on track while doing my assesment and so I meet deadlines and dont get behind.